Contact lens MCQs- Properties of Contact Lens Material.

  • 1. The ability of a contact lens material to align the ocular surface and not deform under tension.
    • A) Elasticity.
    • B) Rigidity.
    • C) Wettability.
    • D) Ionicity.

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  • 2. The ability of a contact lens to withstand deforming forces is called?
    • A) Elasticity.
    • B) Rigidity.
    • C) Wettability.
    • D) Ionicity.

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  • 3. The biological response of Contact Lens material to its environment is called?
    • A) Elasticity.
    • B) Rigidity.
    • C) Bio-Availability.
    • D) Ionicity.

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  • 4. The percentage of the contact lens that is constituted by water is called?
    • A) Elasticity of CL.
    • B) Rigidity of CL.
    • C) Water Content of CL.
    • D) Ionicity of CL.

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  • 5. What does a large contact angle measurement indicate in the Sessile drop method?
    • A) The material is completely wettable.
    • B) The material is somewhere wettable.
    • C) The material is poorly wettable.
    • D) The material is highly elastic.

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  • 6. What is the formula used to measure oxygen transmissibility of a contact lens?
    • a) Dk/p.
    • b) Dk/t.
    • c) Dk/u.
    • d) Dk/r.

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  • 7. What is the range of water content in contact lenses, considered as high-water content?
    • a) 20-40% .
    • b) 41-60% .
    • c) More than 60% .
    • d) Less than 20%

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  • 8. The ability of a contact lens to transfer oxygen to the cornea is called?
    • A. Oxygen Transmissibility (Dk/t).
    • B. Oxygen Permeability (Dk) .
    • C. Both A & B.
    • D. None of These .

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  • 9. What is a material with a Dk value below 20 considered as?
    • a) Low oxygen permeable material .
    • b) Mild oxygen permeable material .
    • c) High oxygen permeable material .
    • d) Hyper Dk material .

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  • 10. What can happen if there is lower oxygen transmission to the cornea?
    • a) Microcysts.
    • b) Change in corneal pH level.
    • c) Edema.
    • d) All of the above.

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  • 11. The net charge on the contact lens material’s surface is called?
    • A) Elasticity.
    • B) Rigidity.
    • C) Wettability.
    • D) Ionicity.

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  • 12. What is an ideal tonicity for a contact lens solution?
    • a) Hypertonic.
    • b) Hypotonic.
    • c) Isotonic.
    • d) Variable.

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  • 14. What happens to rigidity with an increase in thickness of the contact lens?
    • a) It decreases.
    • b) It remains the same.
    • c) It increases.
    • d) It is not affected by thickness.

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  • 15. Which type of material has negative poles on the outer surface?
    • a) Ionic material.
    • b) Non-ionic material.
    • c) Both ionic and non-ionic materials.
    • d) None of the above.

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  • 16. Which type of material has less chance for deposits of charged particles and debris?
    • a) Ionic material.
    • b) Non-ionic material.
    • c) Both ionic and non-ionic materials.
    • d) None of the above.

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  • 17. What is the advantage of low water content contact lenses?
    • a) Higher oxygen permeability.
    • b) Less rigid.
    • c) More susceptible to pH.
    • d) None of these.

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  • 18. What is considered low water content for a contact lens?
    • a) Less than 20% .
    • b) 20-40% .
    • c) 41-60% .
    • d) More than 60% .

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  • 19. What is the effect of tear proteins on non-ionic material?
    • a) It enhances wettability.
    • b) It has no effect on wettability.
    • c) It reduces wettability.
    • d) It increases deposits on the surface.

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  • 20. Higher the water content higher the Rigidity.
    • A. True.
    • B. False.

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