Low Vision MCQs for Optometry Prometric Exams- DHA, HAAD, MOH etc

Optometry Prometric Exams (DHA, MOH, HAAD) sample questions:

1. According to WHO, what are the criterial to define low vision?

  • A. Visual Acuity less than 6/18.
  • B. Visual Field less than 20 Degree.
  • C. Visual acuity less than 6/12
  • D. Both A & B.

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2. Low vision can be corrected fully with which of the following measure?

  • A. Spectacle.
  • B. Contact Lens.
  • C. Low Vision Devices.
  • D. Surgery.
  • E. None of the above.

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3. “Low vision and blind are same” this statement is ……………?

  • A. True.
  • B. False.

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4. What is the normal visual acuity of a person?

  • A. 6/24 to 6/9
  • B. 6/18 to 6/6
  • C. 6/12 to 6/6
  • D. None of these

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5. Decreased visual acuity from blindness to partial sight is called?

  • A. Normal Vision.
  • B. Visual Impairment.
  • C. Blindness.
  • D. Economic Blindness.

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6. When there is no usable vision with exception of light perception, is called?

  • A. Normal Vision.
  • B. Visual Impairment.
  • C. Blindness.
  • D. Economic Blindness.

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7. When distance visual acuity of 6/60 or less in the better eye with best ophthalmic correction, is called?

  • A. Normal Vision.
  • B. Visual Impairment.
  • C. Blindness.
  • D. Economic Blindness.

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8. Use of vision for a particular purpose or task is called?

  • A. Functional Vision.
  • B. Color vision.
  • C. Travel Vision.
  • D. None of these.

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9. Functional vision may be improved with refractive correction, low  vision devices or instruction in the use of vision.

  • A. True.
  • B. False.

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10. Visual Acuity 6/60 or less with best correction or a visual field of  20 deg or less in the widest meridian of the better eye is called?

  • A. Normal Vision.
  • B. Legal Blindness.
  • C. Blindness.
  • D. Economic Blindness.

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11. When vision is 3/60 or better and peripheral field of vision is at  least 50 degrees is called?

  • A. Travel Vision.
  • B. Color vision.
  • C. Photopic Vision.
  • D. None of these.

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12. A person’s vision improves with contact lenses or spectacles to  better than 6/18 may not be considered to have low vision.

  • A. True.
  • B. False.

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13. When patient has “No Perception Light” is called?

  • A. Normal Vision.
  • B. Visual Impairment.
  • C. Blindness.
  • D. Economic Blindness.

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14. If a patient has visual acuity of 6/9, he can be grouped in  following category?

  • A. Normal Vision.
  • B. Visual Impairment.
  • C. Blindness.
  • D. Economic Blindness.

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15. A patient is having visual acuity 6/60 with best correction and no  visual field reduction, can we call him as a low vision patient?

  • A.  Yes.
  • B. No.

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