Ocular Anatomy MCQs (Part 2)- For DHA, MOH, HAAD Optometry Prometric Exam.

  • 21. Sclera is weakest at the level of:
    • A. Macula
    • B. Equator
    • C. Insertion of extraocular muscles
    • D. Ora serrata

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  • 22. The definitive color of the iris depends upon the:
    • A. Anterior limiting layer
    • B. Stroma
    • C. Anterior pigmented epithelium
    • D. Posterior pigmented epithelium

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  • 23. Circulus iridis major is formed by the anastomosis of:
    • A. Long posterior ciliary arteries with  short posterior ciliary arteries
    • B. Anterior ciliary arteries with  short posterior ciliary arteries
    • C. Long posterior ciliary arteries with anterior ciliary arteries
    • D. Long posterior arteries with anterior conjunctival arteries

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  • 24. Layer of non-pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body is the forward continuation of the:
    • A. Pigment epithelium of the retina
    • B. Sensory retina
    • C. Internal Limiting membrane of the retina
    • D. Bruch’s membrane of the choroid

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  • 25. The number of ciliary processes is about:
    • A. 20-30
    • B. 50-60
    • C. 70- 80
    • D. 90-100

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  • 26. All of the following are true about circulus arteriosus minor except:
    • A. It receives contribution from anterior ciliary arteries and long posterior ciliary arteries
    • B. It is an arterial and venous plexus
    • C. It lies near the pupillary margin
    • D. It is the seat of formation of aqueous humor

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  • 27. The strongest attachment of the vitreous body to the surrounding structures is at the level of:
    • A. Vitreous base
    • B. Optic disc
    • C. Posterior surface of the lens
    • D. Foveal region

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  • 28. Diameter of the optic disc is:
    • A. 1.5mm
    • B. 2.5mm
    • C. 3.5mm
    • D. 5 mm

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  • 29. Diameter of the macula Lutea is:
    • A. 1.5mm
    • B. 3.5mm
    • C. 4.5mm
    • D. 5.5mm

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  • 30. Diameter of fovea centralis is:
    • A. 0.5mm
    • B. 1.0mm
    • C 1.5mm
    • D. 2.5 mm 

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  • 31. Henle’s layer refers to the thickened outer plexiform layer in the region of:
    • A. Foveola
    • B. Foveal region
    • C. Parafoveal region
    • D. Paramacular region

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  • 32. Major retinal vessels are present in:
    • A. Between the vitreous and internal limiting membrane
    • B. The nerve fiber layer
    • C. The inner plexiform layer
    • D. The inner nuclear layer

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  • 33. Optic nerve consists of axons of:
    • A. Ganglion cells
    • B. Bipolar cells
    • C. Rods and cones
    • D. All of the above

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  • 34. Optic nerve fibers once cut, do not regenerate because they are not covered by:
    • A. Myelin sheath
    • B. Neurilemma
    • C. Both of the above
    • D. None of the above

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  • 35. Neurons of first order for visual sensations are:
    • A. Rods and cones
    • B. Bipolar cells
    • C. Ganglion cells
    • D. None of the above

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  • 36. Neurons of third order for visual sensations lie in:
    • A. Layer of bipolar cells
    • B. Layer of ganglion cells
    • C. Lateral geniculate body
    • D. Visual cortex

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  • 37. The longest extraocular muscle is:
    • A. Superior oblique
    • B. Inferior oblique
    • C. Superior rectus
    • D. Inferior rectus

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  • 38. The shortest extraocular muscle is:
    • A. Superior oblique
    • B. inferior oblique
    • C. Superior rectus
    • D. Inferior rectus

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  • 39. The posterior end of which muscle insertion lies near the macula ?
    • A. Inferior oblique
    • B. Superior oblique
    • C. Superior rectus
    • D. Inferior rectus

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  • 40. The nerve which has the longest intracranial course is:
    • A. Fourth cranial nerve
    • B. Third cranial nerve
    • C. Sixth cranial nerve
    • D. Fifth cranial nerve

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The cornea reaches its adult size by around 2 years of age, making it one of the earliest parts of the eye to achieve full growth. This rapid growth is essential for normal visual development. After this age, the cornea remains relatively stable in size.

This blog is a must-read for Optometry students and professionals preparing for the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) license exam, HAAD Exam optometry, and Ministry of Health (MOH) license exam. It features 20 meticulously crafted MCQs focused on the Anatomy and Development of the Eye or Ocular Anatomy, covering key topics such as the antero-posterior diameter of the eyeball, the vertical diameter, and the circumference and volume of an adult eyeball.

Each question is provided with detailed answers and explanations, such as the importance of the 24 mm antero-posterior diameter in influencing refractive errors, or how the vertical diameter affects the anatomical structure and function of the eye. You’ll also learn about the anterior and posterior segments of the eyeball, the significance of the crystalline lens’s size and thickness, and the role of Schwalbe’s line in the angle of the anterior chamber.

Whether you’re looking for DHA MCQs online, DHA MCQs for Optometrist, DHA MCQs book, DHA MCQs PDF, DHA exam questions, DHA question paper for optometrists, MOH exam questions, MOH MCQs online, MOH question paper for optometrists, or MOH questions & answer optometry, this blog provides a rich resource that’s essential for acing your exams.

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