Binocular Vision Course- The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Binocular Vision in 6 Weeks.

After completing the Binocular Vision Course you will be able to know about: Binocular Single Vision & Visual Field, Components of Binocular Vision, Extra-Ocular Muscles, Tests for Binocular Vision Assessment, Anomalies Affecting Binocular Vision, Strabismus, Esotropia, Accommodation and Its anomalies, Convergence and Its anomalies and many more.

Binocular Vision Course Details:

Optometry Online course- Binocular Vision Course
Optometry Online course- Binocular Vision Course

Other Courses: Ophthalmic Instrumentation, Clinical Refraction, Contact Lens, Binocular Vision, Dispensing Optics, MCQs in Optometry

Materials Available in Binocular Vision Course:

1. Introduction of Binocular Vision

PDF-1: Why do we have two Eyes?

  • Why are eyes an important sense organ for us ?
  • Why do we need two eyes?
  • What are the benefits of having two eyes?
  • Demonstration of Two Eyes see slightly Different.
  • Why do we not have More than Two Eyes?

PDF-2: Binocular Single Vision & Visual Field:

  • Types of Vision.
  • Visual Field and tis types.
  • Extend of visual field.
  • Temporal Crescent.
  • Visual Field of Different Species.
  • Side vs Front facing eyes.
  • Why do we not have 3 eyes?

2. Components of Binocular Vision

PDF-3: Visual Direction.

  • Visual Direction.
  • Primary Visual Direction.
  • Oculocentric Visual Direction.
  • Egocentric Visual Direction.

PDF-4: Corresponding Retinal Points

  • Introduction of Corresponding Retinal Points.
  • Corresponding Retinal Points.
  • Non-corresponding Retinal Points.
  • Ray Diagram of Corresponding Retinal Points.

PDF-5: Cyclopean Eye

  • Introduction of Cyclopean Eye.
  • Cyclopean eye vs Strabismus.
  • Cyclopean eye vs Crossed Diplopia.
  • Cyclopean eye vs Uncrossed Diplopia.

PDF-6: Horopter Vs Punam’s Area

  • Introduction Horopter.
  • Introduction of Punam’s Area
  • The Vieth-Muller circle.
  • The Empirical h=Horopter.

PDF-7: Development of Binocular Vision

  • Introduction of Development.
  • Physiological Factors.
  • Postural Reflexes.
  • Fixation Reflexes.

PDF-8: Grades of Binocular Vision

  • Introduction of Grades of Binocular Vision.
  • Simultaneous Macular Perception.
  • Fusion.
  • Stereopsis.
  • Local Stereopsis.
  • Global Stereopsis.

3. Extra-Ocular Muscles:

PDF-9: Extra-Ocular Muscles: Anatomy & Physiology.

  • Introduction of Orbital muscle.
  • Intraocular Vs Extraocular Muscle.
  • Levator Palpebral Superioris.
  • Medial Rectus: Origin, Insertion, Blood Supply & Nerve Supply.
  • Lateral Rectus: Origin, Insertion, Blood Supply & Nerve Supply.
  • Superior Rectus: Origin, Insertion, Blood Supply & Nerve Supply.
  • Inferior Rectus: Origin, Insertion, Blood Supply & Nerve Supply.
  • Actions of Extraocular Muscles.

PDF-10: Ocular Motility: Monocular & Binocular

  • Table of Ocular Movements.
  • Monocular Ocular Movements.
  • Ductions Movements.
  • Binocular Ocular Movements.
  • Versions Movements.
  • Vergence Movements.
  • Saccadic Movements.
  • Pursuits Movements.

PDF-11: Laws of Ocular Motility

  • Introduction of Laws of Ocular Motility.
  • Donders Law
  • Listing’s Law
  • Sherrington’s law
  • Hering’s Law.

PDF-12: Ocular Motility Test

  • Introduction of Ocular Motility Test.
  • Procedure of Ocular Motility Test.
  • What to observe during the test.
  • Interpretation of Ocular Motility Test.

4. Tests for Binocular Vision Assessment:

a. Tests for Simultaneous Macular Perception:

PDF-13: Bagolini’s Striated Glass & Red Filter Test.

  • Introduction of tests.
  • Bagolini’s Striated Glass Test.
  • Red Filter Test.
b. Tests for Fusion:

PDF-14: Worth 4 Dot Tests:

  • Introduction of Worth Four Dot Test.
  • Methods of Worth Four Dot Test.
  • Requirements for W4DT.
  • Procedure of Worth Four Dot Test.
  • Interpretation Worth Four Dot Test.
PDF-15: Bagolini’s Striated Glass.
  • Introduction of tests.
  • Bagolini’s Striated Glass Test.
  • Interpretation of Bagolini’s Striated Glass Test
c. Tests for Stereopsis:

PDF-17: Tests for Stereopsis.

  • Introduction tests for Stereopsis.
  • Titmus Fly Test.
  • Titmus Animal Tests.
  • Titmus Circle Test.
  • Random Dot Stereo Test.
  • TNO random dot Test.
  • Lang Test.
  • Frisby Test.
  • Two Pencil Test.

5. Anomalies Affecting Binocular Vision.

6. Strabismus:

  •  Introduction & Classification.
  • Strabismus Assessment.
  • Tests for Strabismus Assessment:
  • Krimsky & Modified Krimsky Test.
  • Maddox Rod Test.
  • Ocular Motility Test.
  • Bruckner Test.
  • Hirschberg Test.
  • Cover Test.

8. Esotropia:

  • Stages & Classifications.
  • Infantile or Congenital Esotropia.
  • Accommodative Esotropia.

9. Accommodation and Its anomalies:

  • Assessment Accommodation
  • Accommodation Insufficiency
  • Accommodation Inertia
  • Ill Sustain Accommodation
  • Paralysis of Accommodation
  • Excessive Accommodation
  • Spasm of Accommodation

10. Convergence and Its anomalies:

  • Convergence- An overview
  • Assessment of Convergence
  • Convergence Insufficiency
  • Convergence Paralysis   
  • Convergence Spasm

How to Get the Binocular Vision Course:

Download our App “Optometry Notes & MCQs” from Google Play Store –> Then Register with your Mobile Number & Email –> Then go to STORE & Click on the Course “Binocular Single Vision” –> Then scroll down & Click on Buy –> After payment you will get access to all the Materials.

Note: All the materials are non-downloadable & non-sharable. You can access the materials only through this app & only with with Android Devices.

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