Q.No: 1 Ante-posterior length of the eyeball at birth is 17.3 mm. What is the size of the eyeball at 7 to 8 years? (RRB Optometry Previous Year MCQs 2019)
- A. 23 mm
- B. 24 mm
- C. 23.5 mm
- D. 24.5 mm
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Correct Ans: B (24 mm)
At birth, the eyeball is approximately 17.3 mm in length. By the age of 7 to 8 years, the eyeball grows and stabilizes around 24 mm in its anterior-posterior length. This is critical for visual development and emmetropization.
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Q.No: 2 Which has the smallest diameter with respect to the cornea? (RRB Optometry Previous Year Questions 2019)
- A. Anterior horizontal diameter
- B. Posterior horizontal diameter
- C. Anterior vertical diameter
- D. Posterior vertical diameter
Q.No: 3 A strong membrane that helps in regeneration after injury is: (RRB Optometry Previous Year Questions 2019)
- A. Epiretinal membrane
- B. Descemet’s membrane
- C. Bowman’s membrane
- D. Conjunctiva membrane
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Correct Ans: B (Descemet’s membrane)
Descemet’s membrane is a robust, elastic basement membrane that regenerates readily after injury, supporting endothelial cell function.
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Q.No: 4 All of the following are true about choroids except: (RRB Optometry Previous Year Questions 2019)
- A. 10 numbers of short posterior ciliary arteries
- B. 2 numbers of long posterior ciliary arteries
- C. 7 numbers of anterior ciliary arteries
- D. 4 numbers of long posterior ciliary arteries
Q.No: 5 How many lamellae are distributed throughout the stroma and lie parallel to the corneal surface? (RRB Optometry Previous Year MCQ 2019)
- A. 400-500
- B. 200-300
- C. 300-400
- D. 100-200
Q.No: 6 What are active cells that maintain the stroma by synthesizing collagen and extracellular matrix components? (RRB Optometry Year Previous MCQ 2019)
- A. Keratocytes
- B. Lymphocytes
- C. Macrophages
- D. White blood cells
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Correct Ans: A (Keratocytes)
Keratocytes are specialized fibroblastic cells responsible for maintaining the stroma by producing collagen and ECM.
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Q.No: 7 Which of the following statements is not true about Descemet’s membrane? (RRB Optometry Year Previous MCQ 2019)
- A. The posterior lamina is non-banded and homogeneous.
- B. It is the basement membrane of the endothelium.
- C. The anterior lamina exhibits a banded appearance.
- D. Descemet’s membrane does not exhibit an elastic property.
Q.No: 8 Which shape of the endothelium is considered the most efficacious shape to provide area coverage without gaps? (RRB Optometry Previous Year MCQ 2019)
- A. Heptagon
- B. Octagon
- C. Pentagon
- D. Hexagon
Q.No: 9 Read the statements and choose the correct option. (RRB Optometrist Previous Year MCQ 2019)
Statement (a): Endothelial cells do not divide and replicate.
Statement (b): The cell density of the endothelium increases normally with aging.
- A. Only (a)
- B. Only (b)
- C. Both (a) and (b)
- D. Neither (a) nor (b)
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Correct Ans: A
Endothelial cells are non-replicative postnatally, and their density decreases with age due to cell loss.
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Q.No: 10 The opacity of the sclera depends on: (RRB Optometrist Previous Year MCQ 2019)
- A. The number of GAGs
- B. The amount of water
- C. The size and distribution of the collagen fibrils
- D. All of the above
Q.No: 11 The condition in which one iris differs in color from the other or portions of one iris differ in color from the rest of the iris is called: (RRB Optometrist Previous Year MCQ 2019)
- A. Pigmentary dispersion syndrome
- B. Homochromatic
- C. Heterochromia
- D. Iris synechiae
12. Identify parts A, B, and C of the given diagram. (RRB Optometry previous year questions Year 20219)

- A. Ciliary stroma, Pars plicata, Ciliary muscle
- B. Ciliary stroma, Ciliary muscle, Pars plicata
- C. Pars plicata, Ciliary stroma, Ciliary muscle
- D. Ciliary muscle, Pars plicata, Ciliary stroma
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Correct Answer: B. Ciliary stroma, Ciliary muscle, Pars plicata
The ciliary body consists of two main parts, the pars plana and pars plicata, and contains ciliary stroma and ciliary muscle. This arrangement is critical for accommodation and aqueous humor production.
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13. The ability of the eye to change power and bring near objects into focus on the retina is called: (RRB Optometry previous year questions 20219)
- A. Contraction
- B. Configuration
- C. Accommodation
- D. Concentration
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Correct Answer: C. Accommodation
Accommodation is the process by which the eye changes its optical power to focus on near objects. It is achieved through the contraction of the ciliary muscles, which changes the curvature of the lens.
14. An _____________ is a recording of the electrical response of the retina to light stimulus, which may be a flash of light or a light pattern. (RRB Optometry previous year questions 20219)
- A. Retinal degenerations
- B. Retinitis Pigmentosa
- C. Electroretinogram
- D. Phototransduction
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Correct Answer: C. Electroretinogram
An electroretinogram (ERG) measures the electrical activity of the retina in response to a light stimulus. It helps diagnose retinal disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa or other degenerative conditions.
15. Read the statement and choose the correct option: (RRB Optometry previous year questions 20219)
(a) The photopigment in rods is arranged in the disc membranes, and its protein is the chromophore.
(b) In cones, the photopigment is located throughout the continuous plasma membrane.
- A. Only (a)
- B. Only (b)
- C. Both (a) and (b)
- D. Neither (a) nor (b)
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Correct Answer: B. Only (b)
In cones, the photopigment is distributed in the plasma membrane, allowing them to function effectively under bright light conditions. Rods contain photopigment arranged in disc membranes for low-light vision.
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