What is Dry Eye- How does it Occur?

What is Dry Eye?

  • Dry eye is a condition in which a person doesn’t have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye.
  • Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision.
  • When our Eye blink it spreads the tear and provide lubrication that helps us to:
    • Reduce risk of infection.
    • Remove the debris.
    • Keep surface smooth and clear.

Dry Eye Mechanism:

  • The four inter-related mechanisms thought to be responsible for the manifestations of dry eye:
  1. Tear instability,
  2. Tear hyperosmolarity,
  3. Inflammation and
  4. Ocular surface damage.

1. Tear Instability:

  • This occurs when the tear film, which protects and lubricates the eye, does not maintain its normal stable layer.
  • Instability can lead to uneven distribution or rapid evaporation of tears, causing dry spots on the ocular surface.

2. Tear Hyperosmolarity:

  • This refers to an increase in the salt concentration of tears. When tear production decreases or tear evaporation increases, the remaining tear film becomes more concentrated.
  • This hyperosmolarity can damage the surface cells of the eye, leading to inflammation.

3. Inflammation:

  • The increased osmolarity of the tear film and damage to the ocular surface can trigger an inflammatory response.
  • Inflammation further damages the surface of the eye and the lacrimal glands, exacerbating tear instability and hyperosmolarity, creating a vicious cycle.

4. Ocular Surface Damage:

  • The culmination of tear instability, hyperosmolarity, and inflammation can lead to damage of the cornea and conjunctiva.
  • This damage can manifest as dry spots, micro-abrasions, and in severe cases, can lead to the breakdown of the ocular surface, affecting vision and comfort.

Inflammation in the conjunctiva, accessory glands and ocular surface is present in 80% of patients with any kind of Dry Eye.

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